Originally from California, Mr. Cleanhouse has been performing since he was 16 years old. In 1999, he began storytelling for children in schools, at corporate events, charities, and parties. He added music to his storytelling and became a musical storyteller and live illustrator. “Mr. Cleanhouse” has traveled throughout the states, performing in such markets as Orlando, Atlanta, San Diego, and Las Vegas.
Mr. Cleanhouse moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 2006 and started producing his TV show, Mr. Cleanhouse Live, which focuses on character building and cleaning your inner house. "Everybody’s hurting in every aspect of life – business, spiritually, government, and personal life. People are fed up with the way things are. It’s time to clean house,” as Mr. Green puts it.
In doing so, Mr. Cleanhouse created “superhero” characters as part of his show to assist in helping set the stage for the success of our children. We encourage people whose talents have been halted to dream again by giving them an opportunity to use their gifts for a good cause.
Cleanhouse is aggressively gearing up to enlist communities everywhere to utilize their talents and gifts by being part of Mr. Cleanhouse Live – the TV show and live performances. He is traveling across the world creating “superheroes” in every part of the country.

“Mr. Cleanhouse,” an inspirational character based on his TV show and live performances, is a visionary futuristic solutionist. “As a visionary, I see things in the future; how things will be based off where we are at right now. Children are the solution to all the problems [adults have created], by the fact that we can tell them, ‘Don’t do what we did – do better.’”
Mr. Cleanhouse sees himself as a creator of new things, as he continuously develops creative directions to achieve his goal. Through musical storytelling and illustration, good positive music, and leading by example, the Cleanhouse goals are to make a positive impact on our children by empowering them, and setting the stage for their success.

ABOUT mr. cleanhouse & friends
“I am living and being my passions in all areas.” ~Myron Green aka Mr. Cleanhouse